Monday, April 12, 2010

Haven't been keeping up, but new start.

25x each

Box jumps

wall balls

kettle ball swings

jumping pull ups

walking lunges

push presses (45 lbs)


back extensions

knees to elbows

Finished in 17:53.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fight Gone Bad

My first Fight Gone Bad.

Scored 130

WB: 20, 10, 7
SDLHP: 8, 5, 8
Box: 7, 10, 7
PP: 6, 5, 6
Row 8, 10, 13

49, 40, 41

Timed my 400m also, and it was 1:40.

Friday, March 26, 2010

One rep max

Did one rep max deadlift today.

I tried a one rep max about two months ago, and it was 225 lbs.

Today I did 275 lbs. Went for 295 lbs, but could only get the bar a couple of inches off the ground.

Still a huge increase for me.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I weigh 172 lbs.

Which is the heaviest I have ever weighed in my life.

I wrestled at 139.9 lbs, and now I weigh 172 lbs lol. The weight gain is a mixture of fat and muscle. My body fat was only 12.1% a week ago. I did go from a size 28 waist to a size 32 waist.

Second day (feeling better)

AMRAP in 15 minutes:

10 Overhead Squats
10 Sit ups

I completed 13 rounds in 15 minutes.

I've had knee pain recently, but the knee pain didn't bother me that much. Might have taken a little of the pain out of my knee.

I'll see what it feels like tomorrow.

First Day

5 rounds for time:

Bear Crawls (length of the gym and back)
15 Kettlebell swings
10 Burpees

I was only able to complete 3 rounds for @ 10:53.

Just keeping track of my Crossfit progress

I started Crossfit at Crossfit Shaols in Florence, AL.

I use to be in excellent shape. I trained in BJJ and No-BJJ for about 3 years at Nashville MMA. I had to quit because I begin attending school in Norther Alabama. Driving from Alabama to Nashville 4 or 5 days a week is not fun.

Since I started attending University of North Alabama, I have done nothing but sit on my ass. Being a computer nerd, I'm perfectly content with sitting in front of my computer for hours.

I graduate very soon (B.S. Criminal Justice / Computer Science), and will be attending a Law Enforcement Academy for my P.O.S.T certification. So I'm hoping Crossfit will get me to my goal of just dominating the physical portion of the academy.